As 2013 turns into 2014 in a few hours from now, I thought I'd take a moment and review this past year. We all get those letters from friends & family, tucked into holiday cards, that tell all the good things that happened throughout the year, so I thought I'd kind of use that as a template of sorts for this post. So here goes...
Dear Friends & Family,
I hope this finds you happy and healthy. At this moment in time, everyone here is well. We had a fairly nice Christmas, saw most of the family, and enjoyed our time together.
Dave is having a great time hosting his Trivia Night events each week. He has now taken over doing it every week, rather than sharing the duty with another person. He's also still working at the same location for his "day job". Over 25 years in one place, can you believe it?
I will soon be celebrating 3 years with The Gourmet Cupboard. I love trying the mixes and sharing them with others. I really love doing vendor events & craft shows. I'm looking forward to doing a big Chocolate Expo in February - sampling all our chocolate goodies!! I've gained a few members to my little team, and I am hoping to add more in this new year.
Joe is doing well too - out on his own, going to college. I still can't believe that he wants to be a police officer, but I think he'll make a good one. I can't worry about him any more than I did when he was in the Marine Corps, so Mom has to let go and trust that everything will be fine. (So hard for me to do.)
Kourtni is loving her first year at Boston University! I will admit to crying like a baby when I left her there in September, but I have been up there so much - for orientation, Parent's Weekend, and round trips bringing her home and back again, that I think we've both adjusted well. She finished her first semester with all A's & B's too! So proud of that girl! I still have two more weeks before I have to bring her back for the next semester.
Spencer is, well, Spencer! He's such a little man - 10 years old, and doing great in fifth grade. He loves school, loves his teacher, and is such a typical boy in many ways, & so completely un-typical in others. I think he's permanently attached to his video games (especially Pokemon Y!) He's still playing clarinet in the school band, and all 5th graders had to join the chorus this year as well. He says he doesn't like it, and he's not a singer at home or in the car, but he must be doing something right, as he was asked to join the city-wide Honors Chorus for the Music in our Schools concerts in March. He'd prefer it was for band, but he'll be there nonetheless. It was so cute seeing him sing (and play) in the Winter concert at school.
Then there is Mia - what can I say about her? My little spitfire is still as full of energy as always. Loving fourth grade, adores her teacher (who is currently out on maternity leave), and playing trombone in the school band like her biggest brother & sister did. She's something else too - walking all around the house while she practices. She can't wait until next year when she can join the chorus too - that one is definitely a singer, all the time! Both she and Spencer are part of the school newspaper this year too. I am looking forward to seeing their work in the next few months.
Let's see - everybody is pretty healthy, except for me I guess. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes this year, and am trying to adjust to that. (So hard around the holidays, with all the goodies in the house!) I'd probably have to admit to being addicted to carbs, because it's so hard for me to find something to eat that doesn't have them! But all in all, I'd say I'm still fairly healthy - could be worse, right? Let's not go there.
Mom is doing well too. She's mostly resigned to being in the nursing home. Sad that she has to be there at such a young age (65), but it really is the best place for her, having someone to make sure she's eating okay, taking all of her medications, and staying on top of when she doesn't feel quite right. Thankfully she's avoided many falls lately, and here's hoping we can keep it that way.
We've gained many new family members this year - a new nephew in February, a new niece in March, and a new cousin as well. Loving all the little people in the family, on both sides! We also visited, for the first time ever, Walt Disney World, this July! We went there to gain more family members, as my sister Sue married my new brother-in-law, Bryan. That added Bryan, and his son Connor, to our family, as well as all of Bryan's fabulous family.
So, as 2013 ends, and we look into the eyes of 2014, I am hoping for nothing but happiness, health, and love for our family, and yours. I am sure there will be sadness at times too - but I definitely wish for the good things to outweigh and overshadow the bad. Raise a glass of whatever you're drinking - coffee, water, soda, or champagne, and here's to us all. We made it through another year, and off we go into the future.